Monday 1 February 2010

Zooming In

I decided to experiment with styles and this is a technique that has been wildely used and experimented with. For this shot I used a slightly slower shutter speed and an ISO of roughly 400/800. By using a 40mm - 150mm lens I was able to zoom from around 55mm closer to 150mm whilst the photograph was being taken. I like the finished result although I decided to compare this image to what photoshop could acheive with the Radial Blur tool.

There is quite a difference between these two pictures. The one accomplished manually (top) with a camera zoom has far more highlighted streaks and there is much more clarity of the surroundings. The photoshop one (bottom) however has a consistant blur around the subject, possibly as depth of field affects blur focus on the camera shot. Overall I prefer the manually taken shot as it is less blurred and still retains a depth of field with identifiable features in the image.